A Diggers viewpoint of being at the sharp end. Gained while serving with 3 Platoon - 'A' Company -7 Battalion (Infantry) Royal Australian Regiment, as a Rifleman in Australia's longest ever war - fought in South Vietnam. Chapter 6 - Page 26 - Updated January 2008 - Next Page:- 2/7th Battalion AIF 27/35 |
History of the Royal Australian Regiment:- The History of the Regiment is an interesting one and I have intentions of having some of it here when I have completed up-loading all of my personal stories. |
LISTINGS HERE:- 1RAR - 2RAR - 3RAR - 4RAR - 5RAR - 6RAR - 7RAR - 8RAR - 9RAR- 5/7RAR PANDORA -MEMORIAL SITE - 1 AUSTRALIAN TASK FORCE - SITREP the site of 3 Cavalry Regiment (Vietnam) Association. |
After World War Two there were a couple of proposals as to re-organisation of the Australian Infantry Units. It was decided to adopt a regimental system, along the lines of the British Army and the three Infantry Battalions in Japan were designated 1st, 2nd and 3rd Battaalions of the Australian Regiment, the designation took effect on 23rd November 1958. The birthday of the RAR. Application was made for a 'Royal' prefix to his Majesty King George V1 and this was granted and an announcement was made on March 10th, 1949. Thought was put towards a badge and in fact was sellected by Brigadier I R Campbell in early 1949. The design had been drawn by Sgt E J O'Sullian of 1RAR intelligence Section and had orginally been intended for 1RAR only. The design featured the kanaroo and wattle wreath as distinctly Australian symbols; the boomarang, which had been used in the tactical signs of the 2nd AIF from which the original units of 34 Brigade were raised; the crossed rifles signifying the personal weapon of the infantryman; and the crown because of the royal title of the Regiment. The simple but highly appropriate motto 'Duty First' was suggested by Major K B Thomas MC of 1RAR. This motto was adopted and included on the badge. Although the badge was reproduced on Christmas cards in 1949, it was not until early 1954 that the hat badge was issued to replace the rising sun Army Badge.
1 RAR www.geocities.com/first1rar Other 1 RAR Sites www.rar.org.au/links & www.firstbattalion.au.com |
2 RAR ARE YOU A 2 RAR DIGGER? (MISSING IN ACTION) Although there is no Homepage for 2RAR there is a strong Association and Diggers wishing to contact their old Battalion can write to:- SECRETARY, 2RAR ASSOCIATION Inc, PO BOX 1097, TOOMBUL Queensland 4012 |
3 RAR |
4 RAR |
6 RAR |
7 RAR |
8 RAR |
ATTENTION HQ 1ATF & D&E DIGGERS who served in VIETNAM Formation of HQ Company, 1ATF Association (NUI DAT). All those Vietnam Veterans who served in HQ Company 1ATF, Nui Dat and D&E Platoon Nui Dat, who are interested in joining this Association are invited to contact:-- Email John Burrows Burrows@upnaway.com to sign up at the webb page:- http://www.diggerz.org/~hq1atf |
Tibbo's site is now to be found here:- |
ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ARMOURED CORPS The site is called "SITREP", website of the 3rd Cavalry Regiment (Viet Nam) Association Inc. This is the official website for the association and is always being updated with information for members and other veterans who are interested in the Australian cavalry, and their support units that served in Viet Nam, and with the United Nations in later years.
THE CASUALTIES IN THE VIETNAM WAR This is a very informative and interesting site. It is up dated every second day and should be looked at it you want to understand more about the Aussie Experince in Viet Nam. |
[site map] [Chapter One] [Chapter Two] [Chapter Three] [Chapter Four] [Chapter Five] [Chapter Six] [Arrival Images] |
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